Student Mgmt & Leadership
Student Management and Leadership
In KCPPS, we believe that all students should be given a chance to be a student leader. Student leaders will be anchored in sound values and have a desire to serve others. The department looks into the whole-school approach towards discipline as well as equipping our pupils with leadership skills to enable them to be Exemplary Leaders who are active contributors and champions of worthy causes.
Key Programmes & Approaches
At KCPPS, we adopt a two-pronged approach towards discipline. The proactive discipline aims to develop character and socio-emotional competencies in our pupils. It also includes enhancing teacher-student and pupil-pupil relationships. As for restorative discipline, it aims to ‘restore’ pupils who have deviated back to the established norms and re-build positive relationships, through reflection and consequences.
According to the work of Dr. Philip Vincent and Dr. Doug Grove, enforcing sound rules and routines based upon healthy teacher-student relationships will bring about the desired results in discipline. Hence, at KCPPS, we have a common set of school-wide routines to enable us to create an environment that is orderly and emotionally safe, conducive for teaching and learning.

The student leadership framework shows the structure of how student leaders are developed at the different levels via the different training platforms
In our school, we adopt ‘The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership’ as the focus for our student leadership development. All pupils first learn to be a personal leader through our values-based curriculum. Being personal leaders allow pupils to learn self-management skills and be good role models. Peer Leadership allows all pupils to have opportunities to be peer leaders in class. The Student Councillors, CCA leaders and House Captains form the next tier of leader – People Leadership. Through the different training platforms, pupils learn various leadership skills to equip them for their leadership roles.

Student leaders engaging in a team activity during the student leadership camp

Student leaders in action: Interacting with the elderly during a home visit

Student leaders in action: Being a docent in KCPPS Heritage Experiential Hub